Social services in Dobropillia
Upravleniye Truda i Sotsialnoy Zashchity Naseleniya Dobropolskogo gorodskogo soveta
Upravleniye Truda i Sotsialnoy Zashchity Naseleniya Dobropolskogo gorodskogo soveta
Closed until 08:00
Social service
prospekt Shevchenka, 15
Ispolnitelnaya Direktsiya Fonda Sotsialnogo Strakhovaniya po Vremennoy Potere Trudosposobnosti, Dobropolskaya Gorodskaya
Ispolnitelnaya Direktsiya Fonda Sotsialnogo Strakhovaniya po Vremennoy Potere Trudosposobnosti, Dobropolskaya Gorodskaya
Business hours unknown
Social service
vulytsia Nezalezhnosti, 35
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