Cadastral works in Khartsyzk
Otdel Goskomzema V g. Khartsyzske
Otdel Goskomzema V g. Khartsyzske
Business hours unknown
Cadastral works
Krasnoznamenska vulytsia, 87А
Zemelny kadastr
Zemelny kadastr
Closed until tomorrow
Cadastral works
vulytsia Postysheva, 175
Proizvodstvennoye zemelno-kadastrovoye byuro
Proizvodstvennoye zemelno-kadastrovoye byuro
Closed until tomorrow
Cadastral works
Makiivska miska rada, selyshche miskoho typu Kolosnykove, vulytsia Lenina
Inzhiniringovy tsentr Ekskon
Inzhiniringovy tsentr Ekskon
Closed until tomorrow
Cadastral works
Makiyivka, Sovietskyi raion, vulytsia Bohdana Khmelnytskoho, 6
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