Convenience stores in Ternopil District
Mixed goods store
Mixed goods store
Business hours unknown
Convenience store
Ternopilska Region, Chortkiv, vulytsia A. Melnyka
Mixed goods store
Mixed goods store
Business hours unknown
Convenience store
Ternopilska Region, Chortkiv, Lemkivska vulytsia
Mixed goods store
Mixed goods store
Business hours unknown
Convenience store
Ternopilska Region, Chortkiv District, selo Barysh, Tserkovna vulytsia
Mixed goods store
Mixed goods store
Business hours unknown
Convenience store
Ternopilska Region, Chortkiv District, Buchach, Pidhaietska vulytsia
Mixed goods store
Mixed goods store
Business hours unknown
Convenience store
Chortkiv, vulytsia Volodymyra Velykoho, 2Б
Ternopil District
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