Hlybochytska Street, 28
Hlybochytska Street, 28, Kyiv
50.462255, 30.492171
Businesses inside
All categories
All categories
3D services
Advertising agency
Clothes wholesale
Computer repairs and services
Courier services
Depositaries and registrars
Electric heaters
Electronic goods store
Honey and beekeeping
Information security
IP telephony
Legal services
Medical equipment
Metal structures
Nail salon
Perfume and cosmetics shop
Plumbing wholesale
Radio-frequency engineering
Recruitment agencies, vacancies
Sale of swimming pools and equipment
Security and alarm systems
Sports store
Telecommunication equipment
Toys and games
Water treatment, water treatment equipment
Weapons and self defense
Novaya Pochta, Otdeleniye № 89
Novaya Pochta, Otdeleniye № 89
4 ratings
4 ratings
Open until 18:00
Produktovy magazin
Produktovy magazin
3 ratings
3 ratings
Open until 21:00
Servisny tsentr po remontu starterov i generatorov Bendiks
Servisny tsentr po remontu starterov i generatorov Bendiks
Open until 13:00
Electrical equipment repairs
Chastny notarius Chuchukalo V. L.
Chastny notarius Chuchukalo V. L.
Closed until Monday
Magazin pnevmaticheskogo oruzhiya Sportguns
Magazin pnevmaticheskogo oruzhiya Sportguns
Closed until Monday
Weapons and self defense
офис 402
Takticheskaya odezhda i snaryazheniye HellCat
Takticheskaya odezhda i snaryazheniye HellCat
Closed until Monday
Military uniform
IBox, платежный терминал
IBox, платежный терминал
Open until 21:00
Internet-magazin Digus
Internet-magazin Digus
Closed until Monday
IP telephony
Studiya manikyura
Studiya manikyura
Open until 21:00
Nail salon
Internet-magazin organicheskoy kosmetiki Aroma-shop
Internet-magazin organicheskoy kosmetiki Aroma-shop
Closed until Monday
Perfume and cosmetics shop
Rekrutingovaya kompaniya IT Recruitment Solutions
Rekrutingovaya kompaniya IT Recruitment Solutions
Closed until Monday
Recruitment agencies, vacancies
Kompaniya Finasta
Kompaniya Finasta
Closed until Monday
Depositaries and registrars
Elektromontazhnaya kompaniya Energospetskomplekt
Elektromontazhnaya kompaniya Energospetskomplekt
Closed until Monday
Electrical works
Proizvodstvenno-torgovaya kompaniya Zhivaya stal
Proizvodstvenno-torgovaya kompaniya Zhivaya stal
Closed until Monday
Metal structures
Kompaniya Rkom
Kompaniya Rkom
Closed until Monday
Radio-frequency engineering
Kompaniya IC-Systems
Kompaniya IC-Systems
Closed until Monday
IP telephony
Masterskaya kosmetiki Balzam
Masterskaya kosmetiki Balzam
Closed until Monday
Perfume and cosmetics shop
пов. 5, офис 510
Kompaniya po 3D-pechati Intekh Servis Treyd
Kompaniya po 3D-pechati Intekh Servis Treyd
Closed until Monday
3D services
Vseukrainsky katalog taksi Taxi. in.ua
Vseukrainsky katalog taksi Taxi. in.ua
Business hours unknown
Information website
Ra Randar
Ra Randar
Closed until Monday
Advertising agency
Closed until Monday
Clothes wholesale
Internet-magazin vodnykh tekhnology Akvatekhnika
Internet-magazin vodnykh tekhnology Akvatekhnika
Open until 15:00
Sale of swimming pools and equipment
Yuridicheskaya kompaniya Titan
Yuridicheskaya kompaniya Titan
Closed until Monday
Legal services
audit company
Proizvodstvennaya kompaniya Epos 2011
Proizvodstvennaya kompaniya Epos 2011
Closed until Monday
Printing services
Kompaniya po prodazhe obogrevatelnoy tekhniki Trio
Kompaniya po prodazhe obogrevatelnoy tekhniki Trio
Closed until Monday
Electric heaters
офис 512
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