Passport and migration authorities in Donetsk
Sektor Migratsionnoy Sluzhby V Donetskoy oblasti
Sektor Migratsionnoy Sluzhby V Donetskoy oblasti
Closed until tomorrow
Passport and migration authorities
vulytsia Fedora Zaitseva, 46В
Pasportny stol Voroshilovskogo Ro Dgu Gumvd Ukrainy V Donetskoy oblasti
Pasportny stol Voroshilovskogo Ro Dgu Gumvd Ukrainy V Donetskoy oblasti
Business hours unknown
Passport and migration authorities
vulytsia Liubavina, 4
Паспортный стол Калининского района г. Донецка
Паспортный стол Калининского района г. Донецка
Closed until Friday
Passport and migration authorities
vulytsia Vladychanskoho, 48Б
Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Business hours unknown
Passport and migration authorities
vulytsia Fedora Zaitseva, 46В
Sektor migratsionnoy sluzhby Kiyevskogo Ro Dgu Mvd
Sektor migratsionnoy sluzhby Kiyevskogo Ro Dgu Mvd
Closed until tomorrow
Passport and migration authorities
vulytsia Shchorsa, 104
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