Carrera 54A, 29B-37
Carrera 54A, 29B-37, Barrio de Tenche, Municipio de Medellín, Antioquia
6.230203, -75.579280
Businesses inside
All categories
All categories
Advertising agency
Business services for entrepreneurs
Domestic services
Furniture store
Industrial enterprise
Machine building
Metal items repair
Metallurgical enterprise
Plastic products
Printing equipment
Printing house
Raw materials for the textile industry
Lider Aseo Hogar
Lider Aseo Hogar
Business hours unknown
Domestic services
Industrias S. m
Industrias S. m
Business hours unknown
Industrial enterprise
Luigui Fashion
Luigui Fashion
Business hours unknown
Raw materials for the textile industry
Oximontajes y Estructuras
Oximontajes y Estructuras
Business hours unknown
Metallurgical enterprise
Monarca SAS
Monarca SAS
Closed until tomorrow
Plastic products
Taller Industrial Jaimar
Taller Industrial Jaimar
Business hours unknown
Industrial enterprise
VisualGraf SAS Señalización empresarial
VisualGraf SAS Señalización empresarial
Closed until tomorrow
Printing services
business services for entrepreneurs
Industrias Afilar
Industrias Afilar
Closed until tomorrow
Metal items repair
Indifa S. A. S
Indifa S. A. S
Closed until tomorrow
Machine building
Business hours unknown
Industrial enterprise
Diviser Ltda
Diviser Ltda
Business hours unknown
Furniture store
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