Accessible toilets in Canik
Restroom for the Disabled
Restroom for the Disabled
Business hours unknown
Accessible toilet
Samsun, Canik, Yenimahalle Mah., Ulus Cad., 31, floor 2
Toilet for the Disabled
Toilet for the Disabled
Business hours unknown
Accessible toilet
Samsun, Canik, Yenimahalle Mah., Ulus Cad., 31, floor 0
Restroom for the Disabled
Restroom for the Disabled
Business hours unknown
Accessible toilet
Samsun, Canik, Yenimahalle Mah., Ulus Cad., 27, floor 3
Restroom for the Disabled
Restroom for the Disabled
Business hours unknown
Accessible toilet
Samsun, Canik, Yenimahalle Mah., Ulus Cad., 31, floor 1
Restroom for the Disabled
Restroom for the Disabled
Business hours unknown
Accessible toilet
Samsun, Canik, Yenimahalle Mah., Ulus Cad., 31, floor 3
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