Public transport stops in Gaziemir
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
İzmir, Gaziemir, Gazi Mah., Mehmet Emin Gürkan Cad.
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
İzmir, Gaziemir, Önder Cad.
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
İzmir, Gaziemir, Gazi Mah., Mehmet Emin Gürkan Cad.
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Gaziemir Belediyesi
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
İzmir, Gaziemir, Önder Cad.
Gaziemir PTT
Gaziemir PTT
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
İzmir, Gaziemir, Önder Cad.
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