Hal Kume Houses, 85
Hal Kume Houses, 85, Gazi Neighborhood, Yenimahalle, Ankara Province
39.952891, 32.826623
Businesses inside
All categories
All categories
Community organization
Department store
Fish and seafood
Medical equipment
Shopping mall
Vegetables and fruit wholesale
Wholesale store
Sariyer Balikcilik
Sariyer Balikcilik
Open until 11:00
Fish and seafood
Hope 14 Agricultural Products
Hope 14 Agricultural Products
3 ratings
3 ratings
Business hours unknown
Vegetables and fruit wholesale
Ankara Fruit and Vegetable Brokers Association
Ankara Fruit and Vegetable Brokers Association
Business hours unknown
Community organization
Sebzeciler Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Sebzeciler Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Poyraz Vegetables and Fruits
Poyraz Vegetables and Fruits
Closed until tomorrow
Vegetables and fruit wholesale
Sezgin Fruit and Vegetable Trade
Sezgin Fruit and Vegetable Trade
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Cakan Vegetable and Fruit Trade
Cakan Vegetable and Fruit Trade
Business hours unknown
Medical equipment
Ay Kardeşler Limited Şirketi
Ay Kardeşler Limited Şirketi
Business hours unknown
Shopping mall
Ankara Toptanci Hali
Ankara Toptanci Hali
Business hours unknown
Murat Delibas Vegetable and Fruit Trade
Murat Delibas Vegetable and Fruit Trade
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Sarkıt Gıda Ltd Stı № 80 Ank
Sarkıt Gıda Ltd Stı № 80 Ank
Business hours unknown
Meyveciler Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Meyveciler Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Parsley Producers Marketing
Parsley Producers Marketing
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Erdal Gökmen
Erdal Gökmen
Business hours unknown
Vegetables and fruit wholesale
Kırıkcı Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Kırıkcı Sebze Ve Meyve Ticaret
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
Ankaragüçlü 96 - Sebze Ve Meyve Toptancılığı
Ankaragüçlü 96 - Sebze Ve Meyve Toptancılığı
Business hours unknown
Department store
Fiba Agricultural Products
Fiba Agricultural Products
Business hours unknown
Wholesale store
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