Management companies in Jeddah
Credit card payment
WC for people with disabilities
مطابخ و مطاعم بلدي
مطابخ و مطاعم بلدي
Closes in 8 min
Management company
Makkah, Jiddah, Jeddah, As Safa District, Abu Muhjin Street
Alghamdi group
Alghamdi group
Closed until 08:00
Management company
Al Faisaliyah District, King Fahd Branch Road, JDBB8990
Sojitz Corporation
Sojitz Corporation
Closed until 08:00
Management company
Al Faisaliyah District, King Fahd Branch Road, JDBB8990
Hitachi Elevator Saudi Arabia Ltd
Hitachi Elevator Saudi Arabia Ltd
Closed until 08:00
Management company
Al Faisaliyah District, King Fahd Branch Road, JDBB8990
Mediterranean Shipping Company
Mediterranean Shipping Company
Closed until 08:00
Management company
Ar Rawdah District, Prince Saud Al Faisal Street, JERA4212
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