Employment centers in Jeddah
WC for people with disabilities
شركة ماس التميز الطبية
شركة ماس التميز الطبية
Open until 22:00
Employment center
Ar Rabwah District, Sari Street, JDBA6717
Al Wajaha Salon
Al Wajaha Salon
Open until 02:00
Employment center
Makkah, Jiddah, Jeddah, Al Bawadi District, Shihab Bin Asma Street
Ahmed Al Omari Recruitment Office
Ahmed Al Omari Recruitment Office
Closed until 21:00
Employment center
Al Bawadi District, Al Khatib Al Tabrizi Street, JDBE6808
Guarding Services Security
Guarding Services Security
Closed until Sunday
Employment center
As Salamah District, Al Jasur Street, JESA4077
Dan Future Information Technology Company
Dan Future Information Technology Company
Closed until Sunday
Employment center
Al Rehab District, Al Amir Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz Branch Street, JCRD3935
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