Conference and meeting halls in Kumasi
Osae Assembly Hall
Osae Assembly Hall
Business hours unknown
Conference and meeting hall
Ashanti, Kwadaso Municipal District, Adoato
KsTU Administration Block New Great Hall
KsTU Administration Block New Great Hall
Business hours unknown
Conference and meeting hall
Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan District, Subin
Merciland Event Hub
Merciland Event Hub
Business hours unknown
Conference and meeting hall
Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan District, Lucy Painstill Lane, 5
Engineering Auditorium
Engineering Auditorium
Business hours unknown
Conference and meeting hall
Ashanti, Oforikrom Municipal District, Knust
Faculty of Law Auditorium
Faculty of Law Auditorium
Business hours unknown
Conference and meeting hall
Ashanti, City of Kumasi, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
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