Religious organizations in Lahore
Office of the Bishop Diocese of Raiwind Church of Pakistan
Office of the Bishop Diocese of Raiwind Church of Pakistan
Business hours unknown
Religious organization
Province of Punjab, Lahore, Waris Road
Christ Revival Church
Christ Revival Church
Business hours unknown
Religious organization
Province of Punjab, Lahore, Gopal Nagar
چہاڑی پیر دربار -Jhari Peer Darbar
چہاڑی پیر دربار -Jhari Peer Darbar
Business hours unknown
Religious organization
Province of Punjab, Lahore, Combo Colony
Darbar Alia Qaderia Fazlia - Batala Sharif Lahore
Darbar Alia Qaderia Fazlia - Batala Sharif Lahore
Business hours unknown
Religious organization
Main Feroze pur road Ichra Lahore, Lahore, Punjab
Ali Masjid O Imam Bargah
Ali Masjid O Imam Bargah
Open until Saturday
Religious organization
Province of Punjab, Lahore, Wafaqi Colony
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