Primary schools in Central District
בית ספר כפיר
בית ספר כפיר
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Tel Aviv, Harav Elnekave, 13
בית ספר רימונים
בית ספר רימונים
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Kiryat Ono, Stern Yair, 15
Beit Sefer Bekhor Levi
Beit Sefer Bekhor Levi
Closed until tomorrow
Primary school
Rehovot, Ha'Rav Herzog Street, 16
Dati LeBanot Or Avner School
Dati LeBanot Or Avner School
Business hours unknown
Or Yehuda, Habanim, 10
Al3ola high school
Al3ola high school
Closed until Sunday
Primary school
aliyya bet (5, 465.81 mi) Lod, Israel, 71208
Central District
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