Nursing homes in Central District
Retirement Home Ramat Gan
Retirement Home Ramat Gan
Business hours unknown
Nursing home
Ramat Gan, Sderot HaYeled, 10א
נוף המושבה פתח תקווה
נוף המושבה פתח תקווה
Business hours unknown
Nursing home
Petah Tikva, Pinsker, 6
Migdalei HaYam HaTikhon-Bet Avot
Migdalei HaYam HaTikhon-Bet Avot
Business hours unknown
Nursing home
Or Yehuda, Iris, 7
Together - Ateret Avot
Together - Ateret Avot
Business hours unknown
Nursing home
Bnei Brak, Ezra, 11
Beit Avot-Keshet
Beit Avot-Keshet
24 hours
Nursing home
Petah Tikva, Amsterdam, 1
Central District
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