Graves of famous people in Mariupol
Хлеботорговец И.И. Найденов
Хлеботорговец И.И. Найденов
Business hours unknown
Graves of famous people
Мariupol, Kamennaya alleya
И.М. Махортов
И.М. Махортов
Business hours unknown
Graves of famous people
Мariupol, Kalmiuskyi raion
Герой социалистического труда Л.А. Кошуба
Герой социалистического труда Л.А. Кошуба
Business hours unknown
Graves of famous people
Mariupolska miska hromada, selyshche miskoho typu Sartana, park imeni L.N. Kiriakova
С.В. Шапоткин
С.В. Шапоткин
Business hours unknown
Graves of famous people
Volnovakhskiy District, selo Shyrokyne, Radianska vulytsia
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