Cadastral works in Mariupol
Otdel Goskomzema V g. Mariupole
Otdel Goskomzema V g. Mariupole
Business hours unknown
Cadastral works
Mytropolytska vulytsia, 4
Pef Zemli Priazovya
Pef Zemli Priazovya
Closed until 08:00
Appraisal company
Tsentralnyi raion, Krainia vulytsia, 43
Kp Khozraschetny zemelno-kadastrovy tsentr
Kp Khozraschetny zemelno-kadastrovy tsentr
Closed until 08:00
Cadastral works
Tsentralnyi raion, Krainia vulytsia, 43
Otdel Goskomzema V Pershotravnevom Rayone
Otdel Goskomzema V Pershotravnevom Rayone
Business hours unknown
Cadastral works
посёлок городского типа Мангуш, улица Титова, 83
Otdel Goskomzema V Volodarskom Rayone
Otdel Goskomzema V Volodarskom Rayone
Business hours unknown
Cadastral works
selyshche miskoho typu Nikolske, vulytsia Svobody, 126
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