Брекеты – это конструкции, при помощи которых исправляют неправильный прикус. Брекет-системы бывают 2 видов: наружные (вестибулярные) и внутренние (лингвальные).
3400 Br
Исправление прикуса
Брекеты бывают разных видов: вестибулярные (крепятся на внешней поверхности зубов), лингвальные (крепятся на зубы изнутри, их называют "невидимыми"), металлические, керамические, сапфировые, по способу крепления - лигатурные и самолигирующие.
1450 Br
Установка дистализаторов на зубы
Специальный аппарат на верхнюю челюсть, который позволяет произвести движение зуба в одном направлении, а именно назад по зубной дуге. В превалирующем большинстве случаев это используется для постоянных первых моляров на верхней челюсти ( 6е зубы).
350 Br
Установка элайнеров
Внутренняя поверхность элайнеров с точностью повторяет форму зубов, при этом учитывается и их микроподвижность. Действие этих конструкций на зубы осуществляется очень мягко и незаметно и постепенно они приходят в нужное положение.
200 Br
Коррекция брекет-систем
Коррекция брекет-системы в Минске Современное оборудование Опытные сотрудники. Обращайтесь!
Triomed Club dentistry is the best in my opinion with the most modern equipment in the city. A compact waiting area, but despite this, there is no crowd, since everything is on time. The doctors are attentive and professional, which creates a comfortable atmosphere. I was satisfied with the quality of service and recommend it to anyone who is looking for reliable dentistry with a high level of technology.
I would like to express my gratitude to Elena Alexandrovna Glushtsova, the dentist, Maria Svetoslavovna Poluyan, the surgeon, as well as the assistant girls and the excellent administrator, if the first time they came to you their hands were shaking with fear, then they went to the next visit with a smile and understanding that everything would be fine and high-quality. THANK YOU
Guys, this is the cheapest 3D oral cavity shot in the whole city. I did it for 50 rubles by appointment for a week. And here without an appointment, day in, day out and for 20 rubles. I thought for a long time what the catch was, and still found it. The format of the snapshot that they save to your disk. It turned out that in our dentistry, where we applied, they could not read it either on the work computer or even at the doctor's home.
Probably, of course, they themselves would not have such a problem in the clinic. But let me, if you take pictures for everyone, then work out the issue of formats for saving to disk. 21st century, development is in full swing, I think this is not a problem at all. Disks, flash drives, large amounts of cost a penny, information can be sent to Google and Yandex drives, the mass of options. And we damn run around with disks that can no longer be inserted into every computer and try to read some strange formats. In general, we were not very happy with the money saved - they went to the benz, the fuss and the time spent. But in general, I liked the clinic. Everything is fresh and tidy, the staff is friendly, the service is of a decent level. I think I'll go back there, and maybe not only for a picture, but also for dental treatment. So to speak, everything is in one place and without unnecessary running around.