It's a good location to walk with a girl and have a picnic along the way. For motorcycle brothers, an interesting point is to stretch out picturesquely and drink coffee, exchange words with a deuce or argue with a partner (Honda CTX is a dream or a bottom). For cyclists, it is suitable as a point for an off-site picnic, but keep in mind that getting here using the navigator will be oh so difficult (forests, fields, roadsides of the MKAD)
There was a good place to stay in the past. Once upon a time, international water slalom kayaking and canon competitions were held on this channel. It is a pity that now this, one might say, a unique place for Belarus, is in such a depressing state. I was born, grew up, and live next to this canal, I remember how it was built, once it was a great place to relax, but now. Very sorry...
I love this place, very often we walk with dogs along the canal, it is especially beautiful here in autumn. There is a beach nearby, where you can relax on sun loungers in summer.