A long-suffering place... Over the past few years, many shops have changed here. Although the assortment was all +- the same. As for the "Lighthouse", it got a little better and a little worse. There is more free space, the assortment has become a little more diverse. The prices are also nice. But the baking is worse now. Self-service ticket offices are often "buggy". The queues haven't gone away. And the store is open only until 22.00.
It's not a bad store, it's relatively clean, and the staff is polite. The selection of goods is good. The only thing I don't really like about these stores is the availability of only beer in the refrigerators during the hot season.
I am very glad to open this summer. I have recruited people, everything has already been debugged. The younger brother of the lighthouse on Yankee Moor 1. It is convenient for most people as it is located near a public transport stop. There are all the necessary products.