I had to take a picture. The queue has taken over. There is no notice on the door that a mammogram is being done in this office. Everyone is sitting in the same queue. Okay, the nurse comes out and calls for a mammogram. And the rest of the people are sitting on the picture. We sit for about half an hour. No one comes out. We decided to come in, and the lab technician or whoever he is is a young guy. He sits there and doesn't even think about going up to see if there are people in the hallway. Since they came in themselves, the matter has moved forward. Well, the pictures were taken, We are waiting in the corridor. At this time, the doctor comes out who has to make a transcript and leaves. It was just the two of us and a young guy in the hallway. I see he can't sit anymore, then he gets up, then he sits down. Apparently
there are problems with my back . I can't sit or stand for long either. I open the door and say that I feel bad. When the result comes, the same young man answers me. The scans are ready and we are waiting for the doctor. And the doctor is gone. In short, the pictures were taken at about 10-30, and I got the result at 12-50. I take pictures often and it's such a mess all the time. I went through three doctors in an hour, and I waited for almost two pictures. As always, we have everything for people. Especially free medicine.
Mom's mammography
I had to get to this hospital, I urgently needed to donate blood from the Russian Federation, not for free! So it turns out that in order to do this, you need to go through at least 3 classrooms , and this is a very long time . But it turned out to take the analysis itself without waiting in line, since the service is paid!!! From the outside, the building is big and beautiful , but inside you can shoot a horror movie!!! Most of the staff were kind and polite, but there were also those who didn 't want to talk to!!! I really hope that I won't end up in this hospital anymore!!!
It was crowded, there was a lot of new equipment, and of course the city really needed it. The attitude towards clients is good, the surgeon is very experienced, he probably works there all his life and does not leave, everyone knows him in our city.