The museum itself is beautiful, there are a lot of interesting things. What is not unimportant is that the information is presented in a simple and accessible form. The only thing is that not everything is stated in Russian. It's hard for a foreigner. And the minus, of course, is the staff. There is a whiff of the "Soviet Union", they do not allow you to walk around the halls in a free mode (only under the strict supervision of an accompanying employee of the museum). If, for example, I want to return to some exhibit and read and/or view it again, it will be problematic to do so - the lights in the room have already been turned off, the door is closed, entry is limited. Another huge problem is the prohibition of photography. Let's say you can't take pictures of the exhibits (although it's also not clear why), but the background information is also limited. I think this is wrong.
An interesting museum especially for students of geology. You can safely examine the minerals. There is an old-era conference hall where the scientific elite gathered and reported on expeditions and new discoveries.
Modestly, a small room of 2 halls. Both geology and paleontology are all in one place. Impressed, of course, the skeleton of a fossil elephant👍 It was very convenient to find a whole stand dedicated exclusively to minerals extracted in Armenia.
Unfortunately, many minerals do not have signed places of their finds, especially large ones that are not under glass.
An amazing collection of foreign minerals in a small hall.
I recommend going to all lovers of minerals