Ремонт и обслуживание системы охлаждения автомобилей
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Промывка системы охлаждения
Наш автосервис реализует услуги по промывке систем охлаждения автомобиля. Соответствующие операции проводятся при попадании в радиатор, патрубки и другие элементы системы различных сторонних примесей (продуктов разложения антифриза, моторного масл...
Nissan X-trail, the eternal problem is cold air from the stove at idle, warmer at high speeds, but this is not enough. On the Internet, many people face this problem on forums. They said at the service station, change the stove, flushing won't help. I decided to take the shortest route. Nevertheless, I decided to rinse it, and long live the heat. At idle, including. The masters know their job and it pleases. Time and money well spent.
Thanks to the masters, everything was done perfectly explained, shown in general everything was clearly there was a complete flushing of all radiator systems of the stove, the expansion barrel unit and the main radiator, they asked to stay to see what was in the system. For this, special thanks
Mitsubishi Pajero Pinin. On a warmed-up car, barely warm air blew on the windshield and legs, the rest of the modes blew cold. I stopped by to flush the radiator without removing it. Friendly men. We answered all the questions, washed them in 40 minutes. You can be present and watch how the process is going. In the end, the system was checked for leaks and the radiator cap was checked. As a result: hot air blows from all deflectors (65 degrees), you can ride in your underpants in the car. Thanks for the work. They really know their business