Undoubtedly, this watch has become an integral part of Batumi, its business card and the object of tourists' curiosity. It is not difficult to find them: go out to Europe Square, where the column with the Medea rises, and, looking around, you will see the most beautiful tower, on which an amazing mechanism is installed. It is said that this watch not only shows the time, but also provides information about the time of sunrise and sunset, as well as which zodiac sign is currently in the Sun or which constellation is at a given time. They are decorated with gilding, which gives them a special radiance and beauty when they rise above us.Unfortunately, it can be difficult to see the details on a watch from a height. However, you can be sure that they are not cheating. Our guide also informed me that every hour the clock makes a melodious chime, but I did not hear it. The principle of operation of the clock can be studied on a special panel located in front of the building.
An unusual and beautiful clock, instructions on how to understand what they show are located below, in different languages, the building itself on which they hang is also very remarkable
They show the position of the sun, moon and planets, as well as the phases of the moon. It was a real discovery for our children: they looked at the dial with interest and tried to understand how these complex mechanisms work.
Прогуливаясь по вечернему Старому городу, со стороны улицы Гамсахурдиа вышли к удивительному зданию с витражами, островерхими башенками и необычными часами, которые при ближайшем рассмотрении оказались астрономическими. Не просто декоративным украшением (хотя и весьма искусным: с золоченым корпусом, «золотыми» статуями по бокам, с фигурными кончиками стрелок в виде солнца и луны, богиней Лето в центре циферблата), – а функциональным и очень точным механизмом. С интересом прочла на инфопанели всё описание устройства и указателей: где находятся Солнце (в каком знаке зодиака), планеты, фазы Луны; местоположение горизонта, меридиан, сторон света; локальное время восхода и захода солнца. И хотя эти Астрономические часы – новодел, они заслуженно притягивают восхищенные взгляды туристов и радуют местных жителей. Отличный смарт-арт-гаджет получился!